The philosophy of antenatal care

Philosophy is the value or of confidence or trust underlying someone to behave so as to affect the life method.
In principle the philosophy of the care of pregnancy refer in philosophy midwives in the delivery of obstetrics among others said that:

1.Pregnancy and childbirth involves the alimiah ( normal ) and not the pathological process, but the condition of normal can menajadi pathology / abnormal.Notice that in doing care would not have to do intervensi-intervensi unnecessary except there are indications.
2.Every female jesting unique in which consists of bio, psycho, social different so that in treating patients / klein one with the others distinct and jugan may not likened.
3.Seek welfare women and a newborn infant.This be done at various efforts both promoting the health through extension activities or counseling meeting the needs of pregnant women and with the preventive efforts the internet the provision of immunization tt for pregnant women and the provision of tablet added blood and others.
4.Women have right of choosing and decide about health, who and where to get health care.
5.Focus the care of obstetrics is to provide the preventive efforts ( preventive ) promotional and ( health improvement).
6.Support and appreciate the process physiology intervention and the use of technology done is just over indication.
7.Building partnerships with other job to empower women.

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