In giving care to pregnant women as the midwife should give service comprehensively or thorough.As for scope the care of obstetrics for pregnant women includes:
1.Collect the data the acts of health and pregnancy and analyzes every visits / examination of pregnant women.
2.Carried out inspection physical systematically and complete.
3.Have a abdoen including high fundus uteri ( tfu ) / position of the / presentation and decrease in a fetus.
4.Assessed pelvic, size and structure the pelvis.
5.Evaluating the situation of a fetus during pregnancy including heart rate of a fetus by fetoskope / pinard and the movements of the fetus by palpation.
6.Counting age pregnancy and day forecast born ( hpl )
7.Study status nutrition and relations with fetal growth.
8.Study the increase in weight mother and hubungandengan complication.
9. Provide information signs danger and and how contact midwife.
10. Melakukan Penatalaksanaan kehamilan dengan anemia ringan.
11.Explained and mendemomonstrasikan way reduce ketidaknyamnan pregnancy.
12.Giving immunization
13.Identify deviation pregnancy normal and handling including referral right to: undernourished, fetal growth no no adekuat, peb and hypertension, bleeding pervaginaan, pregnancy double aterm, the death of the fetus, oedema significant, headache heavy, disorder sight, pain epigastric because hypertension; kpsw, guess polihidramnion, dm, congenital abnormality, the lab result abnormal, abnormality the of a fetus, infection pregnant women as infection senularseksual, vaginitis, urinary infections.
14.Provides guidance and preparation pesalinan, birth and became the old.
15.Guidance and counseling about behavior health for hamilseperti nutrition, exercise, security, smoking.
16.The use of safely herbs or drug traditional available.
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