At PB-IDI public seminar with the theme "Fasting condition Healthy Hunger" held in Jakarta (07/02/2013), an obstetrician, namely Dr. Taufik Jamaan, SpOG explained that pregnant women in the first trimester will often feel nauseous, weak, dizziness, and vomiting, so it should not come out fast. Hormonal changes will also be experienced in pregnant women in the first trimester, these changes can lead to increased production of stomach acid so it would appear nausea and vomiting.
He also explained if nausea and vomiting continuous happens, so pregnant women will risky experienced dehydration and lack of nutrients.In fact, the first trimester to become length of important in the formation of the brain and nervous tissue.So that lack of nutrients early in pregnancy as a result can be perceived in the long run because the formation of nerve being imperfect.Hence, nutritional intake when sahur and fasting-break must be noted for pregnant women who want to fast.
Gynecologists the added if pregnant women still want to be fast would better do it with a hose seling, today fasting, next day no, so on.One thing that must be consideration is the body should in a state of fit.For pregnant women who feel dizzy, limp too and there was sweat cold while fast is better to hasten breaking their.
Pregnant mothers were suffering certain diseases, as hypertension; diabetes mellitus, and bleeding also is not advisable to fast.Taufik explained that bleeding usually occurring in pregnant mothers too hard on yourself.Pregnant women like that, if you want to still fasting better do consultation first to check that he would like in fast.That health the mother and the fetus stable taufik give suggestions to make pregnant women be able to prepare at least a month before fasting.If pregnant women are ready of course may fasting, but if they have not been better do not forced.
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