Standard care of pregnancy

1. Standard 3: identification pregnant women.
Do home visit and interact with the community at regular intervals for penyeluhan and motivation for examination early and regularly.

2. Standard 4: examination and monitoring antenatal.
At least 4x service pregnancy.Examination includes: anamnesis and pemantaun the mother and the fetus, know pregnancy high risk, immunization, advice and penyeluhan, noted the proper data each visit, the act of right to refer.

3. Standard 5: palpation abdominal.

4. Standard 6: management anemia in pregnancy.

5. Standard 7: management early hipertensis in pregnancy.

6. Standard 8: preparation childbirth.
Gives advice for pregnant women, husband and family to ensure preparation childbirth clean and safe preparation transportation, the costBidn better do home visit to this.In giving / care services minimal standards 7t ( weigh body weight ) measuring the blood pressure, measuring high fundus uteri, tt, tablet iron at least 90 tablet for pregnant. Test pms, common ground dialogue in the preparation a reference.

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